Welcome to
my new website
- A little about me!

Welcome to "Hailey Griffith.com
"The Perfect Place for Excellent Care"
I am located in the beautiful and accessible Niagara area, just
1 hour from 2 international airports, Toronto and Buffalo.
As I am so close to the American border, I do attend many
American Dog Shows with Canadian Dogs, especially but not
limited to Westminster, Orlando, Louisville and Montgomery
My facility is set up for conditioning, training and campaigning
Dogs with fine attention to detail and individual personal care,
whether it be for a Championship or Top Dog honours.
I am comfortable and able to be competitive in All Breeds and
have been awarded many Best in Shows in all 7 groups.
My speciality is in the hard coated terrier breeds.
Please check my availability and itinerary on my schedule which
is regularly updated.
Current Dogs -
Past Dogs